The Tuatha Dé Danann:

The Celtic Pantheon of Gods

“People of the Goddess Danu”

The Tuatha Dé Danann, or “People of the Goddess Danu”, are a race of supernatural beings blessed with magical powers. Ancient Celts worshipped the Tuatha as gods. In the first cycle of Irish mythology, it is said that the Tuatha arrived in Ireland in a cloud of mist.

Over time, the Tuatha were ruled by 10 high kings, including Nuada and The Dagda.

The Tuatha live in the Otherworld, in a supernatural realm of unparalleled splendour and beauty known as Annwyn. In Annwyn, there is no disease or famine, and the residents retain their youth forever.

The Tuatha interact with mortals in the Midworld, the earthly realm, and inspire mortal men to pursue knowledge and wisdom.